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The project « Involvement and role of public authorities, civil society and volunteers in times of crisis as well as international SOLIdarity – learning from the COrona pandemic (SOLICO)» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens"

Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.2 "Networks of Towns"
Measure 2.3 "Civil Society Projects"
Strand 1 – "European Rememberance"

10 events have been carried out within this project:

Event 1
Participation: The event involved 25 citizens, including 17 participants from the city of Graz (AUSTRIA),

1 participant from the city of Szombathely (HUNGARY), 1 participant from the city of Maribor (SLOVENIA),  1 participant from the city of Rahovec (KOSOVO), 1 participant from the city of Podgorica (MONTENEGRO), 1 participant from the city of Sarajevo (BOSINA AND HERZEGOVINA), 1 participant from the city of Skopje (NORTH MACEDONIA), 2 participants from the city of Varazdin (CROATIA),      

Location / Dates: The event took place in Graz, Austria from 06/07/2021 to 07/07/2021
Short description:  The aim of the event was the kick off of the SOLICO project, the presentation and discussion of project aims and objectives, introduction of partner institutions, discussion and agreement on workshop setup as well as quality assurance, dissemination and visibility.

Event 2
Participation: The event involved 25 citizens, including 7 participants from the city of Graz (AUSTRIA),

3 participants from the city of Rahovec (KOSOVO), 2 participants from the city of Novi Sad (SERBIA), 1 participant from the city of Szombathely (HUNGARY), 2 participants from the city of Varazdin (CROATIA),

Location / Dates: The event took place in Graz, Austria, from 21/09/2021 to 21/09/2021
Short description:  The aim of the event was the presentation of examples of good practices in the tackling of the effects of the Corona pandemic on local and regional level, the role and influence of civil society organizations together with the political level in the management of the pandemic, identification of improvement potential for the future and discussion of direct citizens involvement as well as solidarity during the Corona pandemic on local, regional, national and European level.

Event 3
Participation: The event involved 28 citizens, including 17 participants from the city of Varazdin (CROATIA),

7 participants from the city of Graz (AUSTRIA), 2 participants from the city of Podgorica (MONTENEGRO), 1 participant from the city of Skopje (NORTH MACEDONIA), 1 participant from the city of Sarajevo (BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA),

Location / Dates: The event took place in Varazdin, Croatia, from  10/03/2022 to 10/03/2022
Short description:  The aim of the event was the presentation of examples of good practices in the tackling of the effects of the Corona pandemic on local and regional level, the role and influence of civil society organizations together with the political level in the management of the pandemic, identification of improvement potential for the future and discussion of direct citizens involvement as well as solidarity during the Corona pandemic on local, regional, national and European level.

Event 4
Participation: The event involved 69 citizens, including 43 participants from the city of Maribor (SLOVENIA),

9 participants from the city of Graz (AUSTRIA), 2 participants from the city of Podgorica (MONTENEGRO), 1 participant from the city of Skopje (NORTH MACEDONIA), 1 participant from the city of Novi Sad (SERBIA), 2 participants from the city of Szombathely (HUNGARY), 11 participants from the city of Varazdin (CROATIA),

Location / Dates: The event took place in Maribor, Slovenia, from  31/03/2022 to 31/03/2022
Short description:  The aim of the event was the presentation of examples of good practices in the tackling of the effects of the Corona pandemic on local and regional level, the role and influence of civil society organizations together with the political level in the management of the pandemic, identification of improvement potential for the future and discussion of direct citizens involvement as well as solidarity during the Corona pandemic on local, regional, national and European level.

Event 5
Participation: The event involved 25 citizens, including 17 participants from the city of Szombathely (HUNGARY), 3 participants from the city of Graz (AUSTRIA), 2 participants from the city of Novi Sad (SERBIA), 1 participant from the city of Maribor (SLOVENIA), 1 participant from the city of Varazdin (CROATIA), 1participant from the city of Podgorica (MONTENEGRO),

Location / Dates: The event took place in Szombathely, Hungary, from  08/06/2022 to 08/06/2022
Short description:  The aim of the event was the presentation of examples of good practices in the tackling of the effects of the Corona pandemic on local and regional level, the role and influence of civil society organizations together with the political level in the management of the pandemic, identification of improvement potential for the future and discussion of direct citizens involvement as well as solidarity during the Corona pandemic on local, regional, national and European level.

Event 6
Participation: The event involved 25 citizens, including 17 participants from the city of Podgorica (MONTENEGRO), 6 participants from the city of Graz (AUSTRIA), 2 participants from the city of Novi Sad (SERBIA)

Location / Dates: The event took place in Podgorica, Montenegro, from  20/09/2022 to 20/09/2022
Short description:  The aim of the event was the presentation of examples of good practices in the tackling of the effects of the Corona pandemic on local and regional level, the role and influence of civil society organizations together with the political level in the management of the pandemic, identification of improvement potential for the future and discussion of direct citizens involvement as well as solidarity during the Corona pandemic on local, regional, national and European level.

Event 7
Participation: The event involved 25 citizens, including 18 participants from the city of Sarajevo (BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA), 2 participants from the city of Graz (AUSTRIA), 2 participants from the city of Novi Sad (SERBIA), 1 participant from the city of Maribor (SLOVENIA), 2 participants from the city of Podgorica (MONTENEGRO)

Location / Dates: The event took place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and HERZEGOVINA, from  22/09/2022 to 22/09/2022
Short description:  The aim of the event was the presentation of examples of good practices in the tackling of the effects of the Corona pandemic on local and regional level, the role and influence of civil society organizations together with the political level in the management of the pandemic, identification of improvement potential for the future and discussion of direct citizens involvement as well as solidarity during the Corona pandemic on local, regional, national and European level.

Event 8
Participation: The event involved 30 citizens, including 20 participants from the city of Novi Sad (SERBIA), 1 participant from the city of Graz (AUSTRIA), 2 participants from the city of Sarajevo (BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA), 1 participant from the city of Szombathely (HUNGARY), 2 participants from the city of Podgorica (MONTENEGRO), 4 participants from the city of Varazdin (CROATIA)

Location / Dates: The event took place in Novi Sad, Serbia, from  06/12/2022 to 06/12/2022
Short description:  The aim of the event was the presentation of examples of good practices in the tackling of the effects of the Corona pandemic on local and regional level, the role and influence of civil society organizations together with the political level in the management of the pandemic, identification of improvement potential for the future and discussion of direct citizens involvement as well as solidarity during the Corona pandemic on local, regional, national and European level.

Event 9
Participation: The event involved 42 citizens, including 24 participants from the city of Skopje (NORTH MACEDONIA), 13 participants from the city of Rahovec (KOSOVO), 2 participants from the city of Sarajevo (BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA), 1 participant from the city of Podgorica (MONTENEGRO), 2 participants from the city of Graz (AUSTRIA)

Location / Dates: The event took place in Skopje, North Macedonia, from  21/03/2023 to 21/03/2023
Short description:  The aim of the event was the presentation of examples of good practices in the tackling of the effects of the Corona pandemic on local and regional level, the role and influence of civil society organizations together with the political level in the management of the pandemic, identification of improvement potential for the future and discussion of direct citizens involvement as well as solidarity during the Corona pandemic on local, regional, national and European level.

Event 10
Participation: The event involved 51 citizens, including 36 participants from the city of Graz (AUSTRIA), 3 participants from the city of Szombathely (HUNGARY), 2 participants from the city of Podgorica (MONTENEGRO), 2 participants from the city of Sarajevo (BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA), 3 participants from the city of Varazdin  (CROATIA), 3 participants from the city of Novi Sad (SERBIA), 1 participant from the city of Maribor (SLOVENIA), 1 participant from the city of Skopje (NORTH MACEDONIA)

Location / Dates: The event took place in Graz, Austria, from 26/04/2023 to 26/04/2023
Short description:  The aim of the event was the presentation of identified good practice examples about solidarity in crisis especially during the tackling of the Corona pandemic in the partner countries but also on European level. Moreover, this final conference gave the opportunity to discuss in detail the concepts and approaches of crisis prevention and management, the involvement of civil society organizations into crisis management as well as citizens involvement on broad level.



Prijavitelj Varaždinska županija u projekt je kao pilot lokacije uključila zgrade 12 odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova (osnovnih i srednjih škola) diljem Varaždinske županije kojima je osnivač. Navedene ustanove prema podacima Školskog eRudnika MZO-a u šk.god 2021./22. pohađa cca 6000 učenika.

To su redom: OŠ grofa Janka Draškovića Klenovnik, OŠ “Gustav Krklec” Maruševec, OŠ Ivana Kukuljevića Sakcinskog Ivanec, OŠ Ludbreg, OŠ Petrijanec, OŠ Sveti Đurđ, OŠ Trnovec, OŠ Vinica, Elektrostrojarska škola Varaždin, Gospodarska škola Varaždin, OŠ Sračinec te Strojarska i prometna škola Varaždin. Na ukupno 8 lokacija (osnovne škole u Klenovniku, Maruševcu, Ivancu, Ludbregu, Petrijancu, Svetom Đurđu, Trnovcu i Vinici) odvijat će se izgradnja novih fotonaponskih elektrana za vlastitu potrošnju snage 25 kW, dok će na 4 preostale lokacije (Elektrostrojarska škola, Gospodarska škola Varaždin, OŠ Sračinec, Strojarska i prometna škola Varaždin) biti riječ o dogradnji već postojećih fotonaponskih elektrana za vlastitu potrošnju odnosno povećanje postojećih kapaciteta s 10 kW na 35 kW.

Zahvati na svim pilot lokacijama obuhvaćaju radove na elektrotehničkim instalacijama, odnosno instalaciju ćelijskih naponskih modula učvršćenih na pod konstrukciju na krovovima predmetnih zgrada, ugradnju priključno mjerne i ostale potrebne opreme, potrebna mjerenja i ispitivanja te puštanje u pogon.

Aktivnosti jačanja kapaciteta obuhvaćaju 3 radionice za širenje rezultata projekta kojima će biti ojačani kapaciteti za upravljanje i promicanje energije iz OIE, a za učenike OŠ i SŠ bit će osmišljeni i podijeljeni radni listići odnosno brošure prilagođene uzrastu s informacijama o OIE. Tako dostupne informacije učenici će moći podijeliti u krugu svoje obitelji te tako i sami pridonijeti podizanju svijesti o prednostima OIE. Široj javnosti sve informacije o rezultatima projekta biti će dostupne putem web stranice projekta, promidžbenog spota, objavljenih članaka itd.

Ciljne skupine, a ujedno i krajnji korisnici ovog projekta, su korisnici zgrada odnosno zaposlenici i učenici u ustanovama za osnovnoškolsko i srednjoškolsko obrazovanje, roditelji, zaposlenici Varaždinske županije i opća javnost.

Zaposlenici i učenici škola će biti uključeni u projekt kao ciljna skupina aktivnosti informiranja i komunikacije, odnosno jačanja kapaciteta za promicanje obnovljivih izvora energije sudjelovanjem zaposlenika škola i Varaždinske županije na 3 radionice za širenje rezultata projekta.

Dodana vrijednost ulaganja je neosporna kako za školske ustanove tako i za Varaždinsku županiju. Nakon puštanja u pogon vlastitih elektrana škole će na raspolaganju imati čistu i sigurnu energiju čime pridonose zelenoj tranziciji regije, a prijavitelj će imati konkretne financijske uštede na energentima, odnosno dio financijskih sredstava predviđenih za podmirenje režijskih troškova u tim školama će moći preusmjeriti u nove razvojne projekte.


Cilj projekta je povećati instalirane kapacitete za korištenje sunčeve energije na 12 odgojno – obrazovnih ustanova u Varaždinskoj županiji postavljanjem fotonaponskih elektrana, ojačati kapacitete za upravljanje i promicanje OIE te pridonijeti smanjenju emisije CO2 i povećanoj sigurnosti opskrbe električnom energijom. Planirani rezultati projekta su: procijenjena godišnja proizvodnja iz energije sunca: 361,631 Mwh/a, procijenjeno smanjenje godišnjih emisija CO2: 57,3546 tona i instalirani kapacitet za proizvodnju energije sunca : 0,3 MW.


  • Povećanje instaliranih kapaciteta za proizvodnju solarne energije
  • Stručni nadzor
  • Informiranje i komunikacija
  • Upravljanje projektom


Varaždinska županija


Javna ustanova za regionalni razvoj Varaždinske županije


Projekt je financiran iz EGP financijskog mehanizma za razdoblje od 2014. do 2021. godine
Ukupna vrijednost projekta: 351.226,25 EUR
Sufinanciranje iz EGP-a: 298.542,31 EUR


22 mjeseca, od 06.05.2022. do 30.04.2024.


U provedbi

Increasing the capacity of educational institutions of Varaždin County for the production of solar energy


The applicant, Varaždin County, founder of schools, included buildings of 12 educational institutions (primary and secondary schools) throughout region within the project. According to the data of the Ministry of Education and Culture's School eRudnik in the school year 2021/22. they have approximately 6,000 students.

These are: elementary schools: OŠ grofa Janka Draškovića Klenovnik, OŠ “Gustav Krklec” Maruševec, OŠ Ivana Kukuljevića Sakcinskog Ivanec, OŠ Ludbreg, OŠ Petrijanec, OŠ Sveti Đurđ, OŠ Trnovec, OŠ Vinica, OŠ Sračinec and high schools: Varaždin Electrical Engineering School, Varaždin Economic School and Mechanical and traffic school Varaždin. At 8 locations (primary schools in Klenovnik, Maruševac, Ivanac, Sračinec, Ludbreg, Petrijanac, Sveti Đurđ, Trnovac and Vinica), the construction of new photovoltaic power plants for self-consumption of 25 kW power will be set. At the 4 remaining locations (Electrical Engineering School, Varaždin Economic School and Mechanical and traffic school Varaždin) there will be an extension of already existing photovoltaic power plants for self-consumption, precisely existing capacities will increase from 10 kW to 35 kW.

Operations at all pilot locations include work on electrotechnical installations, i.e. installation of cellular voltage modules fixed to the substructure on the roofs of the buildings, installation of connection measuring and other necessary equipment, necessary measurements and tests and commissioning.

Capacity building activities include 3 workshops for disseminating the results of the project which will strengthen the capacities for management and promotion of energy from renewable energy sources (RES). For primary and secondary school students, worksheets or age-appropriate brochures with information about RES will be designed and distributed. Students will be able to share information available this way within their family and also contribute to raising awareness about the advantages of RES. All information about the results of the project will be available to the general public through the project website, promotional video, published articles, etc.

The target groups, and at the same time the end users of this project, are the users of the buildings, i.e. employees and students in institutions for primary and secondary education, parents, employees of Varaždin County and the general public. School employees and students will also be included in the project as a target group for disseminating information and communication activities. Therefore, school and Varaždin County employees will participate in 3 workshops to disseminate the results of the project and promote renewable energy sources. Added value of the investment is indisputable both for school institutions and for Varaždin County.

After putting their own power plants into operation, schools will have clean and safe energy at their disposal, contributing to the green transition of the region, and the applicant will have concrete financial savings on energy products, so part of the financial resources intended to cover overhead costs in these schools will be redirected to new development projects.


The goal of the project is to increase the installed capacities for the use of solar energy at 12 educational institutions in Varaždin County by installing photovoltaic power plants, to strengthen the capacities for management and promotion of RES and to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and increased security of electricity supply. Planned results of the project are: estimated annual production from solar energy: 361.631 Mwh/a, estimated reduction of annual CO2 emissions: 57.3546 tons and installed capacity for solar energy production: 0.3 MW.


  • Increasing installed capacity for solar energy production
  • Professional supervision
  • Information and communication
  • Project management


Varazdin county


Public Institution for Regional Development of Varaždin County


The project was financed from the European Economic Area (EEA) financial mechanism for the period from 2014. to 2021.
Total value of the project: 351,226.25 EUR
Co-financing from the EEA: 298,542.31 EUR


22 months, from 06.05.2022. until 30.04.2024.


In implementation


Rail4Regions Logo Standard mediumUz 11 partnera iz 9 zemalja srednje Europe (Njemačka, Slovačka, Slovenija, Hrvatska, Mađarska, Poljska, Češka, Austrija, Italija) na projektu Enhancement of spatial and transport planning capacities in the promotion of the accessibility of the rail freight transport network and regional development - Rail4Regions, Varaždinska županija preuzela je važnu stratešku ulogu pri integraciji regionalne željezničke mreže u europsku teretnu mrežu.

U funkciji dugoročnog povećanja udjela prevezene robe željeznicom, projektni partneri će tijekom trogodišnjeg projektnog razdoblja (veljača 2023. – siječanj 2026.) razvijati rješenja za optimizaciju regionalnih željezničkih linija i pristupnih točaka te izrađivati akcijske planove za poticanje prihvaćanja njihovih rješenja u regionalnim razvojnim planovima.

Prvi partnerski sastanci i radionice 2,3 milijuna eura vrijednog Rail4Regions Interreg Central Europe projekta održani su krajem travnja u Varaždinu i Koprivnici (Sveučilište Sjever), a Varaždinska županija će do kraja srpnja 2023. održati nekoliko sastanaka/radionica ključnih dionika u funkciji identifikacije ključnih izazova i potencijala razvoja željezničkog sustava Varaždinske županije i Republike Hrvatske kao osnove multimodalnosti na Europskoj razini.
Jedna od planiranih ključnih tema nadolazećih sastanaka/radionica ključnih dionika je i poboljšanje dostupnosti željezničke mreže lokalnim gospodarstvenicima za prijevoz tereta željeznicom, stoga pozivamo sve zainteresirane gospodarske subjekte (prijevoznici, špediteri, logistički centri, tvrtke s velikim udjelom godišnjih prijevoznih procesa u funkciji vlastite distribucije robe itd.) da kontaktiraju voditelja projektnih aktivnosti u ime Varaždinske županije (Zlatko Kanjir: i aktivno sudjeluju u istraživačkim i razvojnim projektnim procesima.

Uz gospodarstvenike, ključne dionike činit će jedinice lokalne samouprave Varaždinske županije, predstavnici znanstvene i stručne zajednice, željeznički operateri i institucije od strateškog značaja za razvoj Varaždinske županije.

Veselimo se sljedećim projektnim aktivnostima o čemu ćemo Vas kontinuirano obavještavati.

Više o projektu možete doznati na poveznici:

Vezano uz projekt izdani su bilteni koje možete pročitati na dolje navedenim poveznicama:  

Project Newsletter #1

Rail4Regions-Newsletter-1.pdf (

Project Newsletter #2

Newsletter #1 (

Project Newsletter #3

Rail4Regions-Newsletter-3.pdf (

Project Newsletter #4

Rail4Regions-Newsletter-4.pdf (

Project Newsletter #5

Newsletter #5 (

Project Newsletter #6

Newsletter #6 (

Naziv projekta: „Užina za sve III“

Razdoblje provedbe: školska godina 2020. – 2021.

Prijavitelj: Varaždinska županija

Partneri: 33 osnovne škole u Varaždinskoj županiji

Ukupna vrijednost projekta:  999.081,83 kn

EU sredstva: 100% iz Fonda europske pomoći za najpotrebitije, Operativni program za hranu i/ili materijalnu pomoć 2014. – 2020.

Trajanje projekta: od 25.1.2021. do 25.7.2021.

Prihvatljivi izdaci: od 7.9.2021. do 18.6.2021.

Sažetak projekta:

Projektom se želi osigurati redovita i kvalitetna školska prehrana u osnovnim školama Varaždinske županije, za djecu koja žive u siromaštvu ili su u riziku od siromaštva. Cilj projekta je unaprijediti kvalitetu života, smanjiti rizik od siromaštva i socijalne isključenosti, čime će se ujedno stvoriti pozitivno okruženje, doprinijeti boljem zdravstvenom stanju djece te kvalitetnijem praćenju nastavnih aktivnosti.

Ciljna skupina je 994 djece koja žive u siromaštvu ili su u riziku od siromaštva, a polaznici su osnovnih škola kojima je osnivač Varaždinska županija. U pravilu su to djeca iz socijalno ugroženih obitelji koja imaju poteškoća sa osiguranjem plaćanja školske prehrane.

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